In this article we will look at concepts of BASE.
BASE means Basically Available Soft State Eventual consistency. It’s used in distributed computing to achieve high availability.
BASE properties explained below
- Basic Availability
Data is available most of the time
- Soft State
Replicas are not consistent all the time
- Eventual consistency
Data will become consistent eventually with no guarantee by when
Consistency means all the nodes return the same data for all request made.
Eventual consistency means all the nodes gets updated eventually when write is made that means it takes time to update the data in nodes and node which is not updated will return the old data.
Strong consistency means that latest data is always returned but latency will be high. With eventual consistency latest data may not available immediately but it will be eventually and latency will be low.
NoSQL databases follow BASE properties which enables availability and relaxes on consistency.
Hope this article will be helpful to you. Happy Reading !!!