In this article, we will look at how to integrate code commit to JIRA issues.
Those who are technical will be able to go to git repository and review code commits done by developers. Having the code commit integrated with JIRA will help for non-technical people who wants to review what’s the real progress of each issue. This will give better transparency to all stakeholders.
Smart commit feature help in enabling this integration and we will be able to include comments, transition JIRA status, track time, send it for code review tool etc.
We will look at including comments alone in this article. Let’s look at the steps below
Step 1:
Under ‘App’, find ‘Git Integration with JIRA’ and install it in your JIRA version
Post installation, you will be able to see ‘Git Commits’ and ‘Git Roll up’

Step 2:
Post installation, on the left-hand side menu will appear to manage GIT.
Choose ‘Manage Repository’ and add ‘Add Integration’ to connect to git repository URL. In the screenshot below, I had selected one repository as sample.

Step 3:
After repository is added, go to sample project and do smart commit.
Syntax for smart commit: git commit -m <JIRA ID> #comment <text>
I had given the below command
git commit -m FIRST-1 #comment Made changes for indentation

Step 4:
Validate whether commit is reflecting in JIRA and we could see the commit made with the comments given in JIRA under ‘Comments’ section and details of commit under ‘Git Commit’ section

Hope this article was helpful.